Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'Twas the Night Before the Boutique . . .

Well everyone, Charla and I have been working our "you-know-whats" off, as have many of our family members (hugs and kisses). Things are looking pretty darn fine. Our crafters have really gone above and beyond. We have just a little tweaking to do bright and early in the morning and then our 2009 show will be off and running! There are so many amazing things to see. I've already started my stash of things to purchase (U of U dresses for your little girls, anyone?). My Christmas list will have an awful lot of things taken care of at the boutique! Anyhoo, I promised to post our last giveaway winner tonight. So . . . Lisa Fairbrother! (Are you related to the wrestlers from Murray?) When you come to the show just find Lauri (I do look a little like our caricature - the one with the blond hair and dimple). I'll be wandering around restocking or answering questions or just enjoying meeting new people and greeting dear friends. If by chance, you can't find me, then ask Charla or Annette at the cash registers, tell them who you are, and they'll be happy to present you with your prize. By the way all of you who need to have a great appetizer for your Christmas party, check out Joan Gregory's Pepper Jelly in the kitchen. Tasty, quick, and impressive. You'll find lots of other deliciousness in there, too! Can't wait to share everything with you! Hurry on over!

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